The climate puppets

Documentary web created by students of the European schools participating in the project Youngsters I.Doc Makers (YIDOCM)

Legal Notice

The website of The Climate Puppets is owned by the Vocational Educational Training Schools ERNST-LITFAß-SCHULE in Berlin, INSTITUTO ROBERTO ROSSELLINI in Rome, BERUFSSCHULE FÜR CHEMIE, GRAFIK UND GESTALTENDE BERUFE in Vienna, IES CLARA DEL REY in Madrid and IES PUERTA BONITA in Madrid.

This documentary website is a work result made by students who participated in the Erasmus Plus Project K2 titled Youngsters I. Doc Makers (YIDOCM)

The coordinating center of YIDOCM Project is IES Puerta Bonita (Madrid), which has address at 5, Padre Amigó St, ZIP 28025 in Madrid. You can contact the coordinators by sending an email to or

Registered users in this web have the right to modify or delete their personal data as well as their account. To do so, they can send a duly identified email to or For more information, you can consult the Spanish data protection law.

License Authors

Audiovisual & Images

The videos and images published on this website are owned by the different authors of the network of educational schools participating in the Erasmus Plus Project Youngsters I.Doc Makers (YIDOCM).

The audiovisual materials and images published in this web are available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license and available for the users, except the central/main documentary titled “The Climate Puppets, cut the ropes” (41 minutes). The interactivity versión of the main documentary is available on line for the users in this web but only it will not be available under a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA) until September 2019, because before this date the lineal versions of this documentary for theatre and television will be show by these communication media.

The Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license means you can use the videos and images as you want, as long as you say where you get the material expressly mentioning the name of the project "Youngsters I.Doc Makers (YIDOCM)", you can not take economic benefit from it, and that the resulting products have to accept the same license (Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license). In the same way will proceed with the texts of the web and materials for the REMIX area of this web. Users whose post remixes assume that, by default, they will also be released with the same Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

Embedded materials from Youtube, Flickr and other similar services are subject to the conditions and license specified on your home page. If there were published materials with more restrictive licenses, it would be made explicit for each of them.